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Assists in the relief of symptoms associated with digestive imbalance, such as bloating, flatulence, and abdominal discomfort. 
IBD-Chord is a distinctive, complex blend of specific homeopathics combined to address the common causal factors behind Inflammatory Bowel Disease.


  • Active Ingredients: Amoeba Nosodes 30X, 60X, 200X; Aspergillus flavus 6C;
    Aspergillus niger 6C; Bacillinum Nosodes 12X, 30X, 60X; Brucella canis 2C;
    Intestinal Mucosa 6X, 12X, 30X; Mycobacterium T-Para 2C; Penicillium 12X,
    30X, 60X.
    Inactive Ingredients: Purified Water 70%, Glycerin 15%, Ethanol 15%.
    Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a health-
    care professional. Shake well before use.

    Purchase via minimum email/phone consultation at no charge. Please use our contact page.
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