© 2023 by Beyond Physical
Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Worry and Guilt
Do you recognise yourself in the video?
Stress is a unique experience for all of us. What makes us feel very stressed out may not bother someone else, so we can't expect that what helps someone else to cope with it, will help us too! That goes for feeling anxious, worrying, feeling guilty and being fearful too! Here at Beyond Physical, we are not interested in coping mechanisms...we want to get rid of the underlying causes at the source, so you can feel great, all the time!
Now you may instantly say, well i can't quit my job! I can't leave my partner! Traffic doesn't change... and all sorts of other things, and mostly, you are right. The great news is, that it doesn't matter. You can still elimate those negative feelings from those situations by understanding why you are feeling it in the first place and then eliminating the underlying emotional cause.
The first thing to do is watch the video below to understand why feelings like stress, anxiety, fear, guilt and worry are so dangerous.
Understanding emotional override, you now know that your body is in a situation where you can't stop it from being stressed, (the feeling of defence), no matter what you do. Did you ever wonder why you couldn't enjoy that wonderful bubbly bath, that trip to the spa, or the footie match with friends? Now you know!
So what is an effective treatment for these everyday common niggling emotions. You are hoping i will say '3 massages a week, 7 weeks holiday and as much chocolate as you can fit in your mouth!'. Sorry, that's not as effective as removing the root issues completely. At Beyond Physical our treatment programs address the underlying emotional cause of your problematic feelings and work to reverse and eliminate the effects on your system; lowering your levels of stress, fear, anxiety or worry and teaching you to look at the world differently, so you no longer react to things in a way that causes those emotions.
A life without stress, anxiety, fear, and worry? Yes please! We look forward to welcoming you into our family!