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Beyond Answers

Why am I in pain, sick or unwell?

How can Beyond Physical help me?

What exactly is survival mode?

What physically causes the imbalance (the bears) between survival and healing modes and where is it in my body?

How do I correct the imbalance / Get rid of the bears?

How long does it take to re-establish balance?


What forms of payment do you accept?

When do I pay?

Why do I need to pay the full amount for my bundle in one payment?

What's the cancellation policy?

I'm a higher rate DLA (PIP) recipient, is there a discount in your rates?

I'm a benefit recipient, is there a discount in your rates?

My household income is less than £20,000 a year, is there a discount in your rates?

What is your financial policy?



Why am I in pain, sick or unwell?

The body was designed to heal itself.  It's a self healing, self regulating mechansim.  In other words, if you cut your finger, the body heals itself.  If you break a bone, the body heals itself, if you have a understand, you have experienced it thousands of times in your life! 


If the body isn't healing, experience tells us that the body is 'surviving', and our natural state, as you understood from above is healing.  If the body is spending it's time in survival mode, then we must work to let the body know it does not need to 'survive' and that it should go back to healing.  You acheive this by updating the subconscious memory, eliminating interference and making improved choices in the 6 essential areas of health: What we eat, what we drink, how we breathe, how we rest, how we exercise and what we think.  

How can Beyond Physical help me?

The first thing we do at Beyond Physical, is establish if your body is spending too much time in 'survival mode' and not staying in 'healing mode' where it is designed to be.  Why is this the first thing we do? Because if you are in survival mode, you can make perfect choices in the 6 essential areas of health, and not see the rewards of those choices, so we must address the imbalance in your body first.  After we have established an initial and lasting balance, we begin to work more and more with the 6 essentials along with cleansing the body, improving digestion, understanding how your emotions and bhaviours affect health etc.  

What exactly is survival mode?

For a full explanation, see  this page called the Science made Simple.  Click here.  

What physically causes the imbalance (the bears) between survival and healing modes and where is it in my body?

Have you read The Science made simple?  Click here to read it for more explanation.  


The body enters survival, and is imbalanced due to messages travelling from the brain to the nervous system.  There are basically two parts to the nervous system (without getting too technical) 1. The Conscious part or the Cortex.  This is where you do your thinking, worrying, decision making etc  2.  The subconscious part.  This is running your body without you thinking about it.  Breathing, digesting, blood pressure regulating etc.  


As you read in the Science made simple, an imbalance happens when an extremely stressful message or series of lesss stressful messages are sent from the conscious part of the nervous system to the subconscious part of the nervous system.  This creates the short circuiting and jamming you read about in the science made simple.  The same thing haoens when seemingly less stressful messages like worry about a child, job deadlines, relationship issues etc are sent from the conscious to the subconsciou parts of the system in succesion fast enough that we cannot process each one before receiving the next, causing the same 'short circuiting'.  

How do I correct the imbalance / Get rid of the bears?

Have you read The Science made simple? Click here to read it for more explanation.


The stressful messages being sent to your nervous system are a result of fear, anger, frustration, love, happiness, in fact any type of emotional input.  All the emotions have their own unique pattterns and ways of showing up physically and energetically in the body.  This is called neuro-emotoinal physiology.  Using the B.E.S.T (Bio-energetic synchronisation technique), we will identify the patterns causing interference in the subconscious and update them so they no longer add to the imbalance.  (Remove the bears!)


This, B.E.S.T, allows the body to return to the state of healing by re-establishing the balance between the physical/mental/emotional/spiritual planes of the body.  

How long does it take to re-establish balance?

It varies for each individual and is dependant upon many factors including how long the pattern has been running and causing interference in your system, what intensity it hit your nervous system with and to what degree it has manifested physically in your body.  In other words, do you have a cold, aches and pain, or diabetes, chronic arthritis and high blood pressure?


Beyond Physical will do everything we can to help.  We will administer the B.E.S.T treatment, give you instructions through conversation and information on how to re-pattern that part of your nervous system on an ongoing basis, address nutritional requirements and much more.  Together we will start to re-familiarise your nervous system with the frequency of health and abundance.  This may initially require perhaps 2 sessions a week,  (dependant on the severity of your case) however our goal is to get to just a single session each month as a maintenance program for your wellness.  The minimum frequency of your sessions is always established by your body, using biofeedback techniques.  


See also, What to Expect

What forms of payment do you accept?

We are proud to offer payment for our client through the innovative, secure application ZWallet.  With a short registration process ZWallet allows you to pay for products and services rapidly and securely as well as get access to deals, gift cards and vouchers for high street shops and access to our exclusive Beyond Physical Loyalty program, with personalised deals from us only available to our ZWallet users.  The process is so easy, see the picture below.  


To read more about ZWallet, click here. 

To download ZWallet for IPhone, click here.

To download ZWallet for Windows click here.  


We also accept, cash, cheque or bank transfer.  Card payments are not currently accepted.  

When do I pay?

Beyond Physical do not require payment until the time of appointment.  

All bundle bookings must be paid in full at the time of the first appointment of that bundle.   

All product purchases must be paid in full att ime of purchase.  Any products ordered on your behalf must be paid for in full in advance.  

If you have any queries or issues with payment, please talk to us about it.  


Why do I need to pay the full amount for my bundle in one payment?

In order to be able to give you such significant discounts in the price for our services, it is necessary for us to recieve the payment in one transaction.  It serves to protect us from people not returning after a limited number of sessions and leaving us significantly under paid for our services.  Please talk to us about any payment queries you have.  


What's the cancellation policy?

You can read our Cancellation policy here.  


Beyond Physical employ a 24hr cancellation policy. This means that any services booked if cancelled within a 24hr period of the due appointment will incur a 50% charge. Any bundle appointments cancelled within the 24hr notice period will be lost, however, if time allocations allow, we will endeavour to fit the appointment in within the same week, but are not required to do so.


I'm a higher rate DLA (PIP) recipient, is there a discount in your rates?
I'm a benefit recipient, is there a discount in your rates?
My household income is less than £20,000 a year, is there a discount in your rates?


Yes, Beyond Physical make special allowance for any of these circumstances as it is very important to us that everyone be given access to what we have to offer.  We will require proof of eligibility in order for you to benefit from our discounted services.  Individual circumstances will dictate which discount you recieve, please contact us for details.  

What is your financial policy?

You can read our Financial policy here.  


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