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Wholefood vs. Synthetic supplements: What does it all mean?


Are you confused about supplements?

Is it a vitamin, mineral, homeopathic tincture, synthetic, whole food, chelated, cold processed, colloidal?

Does it inhibit, promote, aid, detoxify, support, cleanse, boost, eliminate, decalcify?

Will you have more energy, focus, strength, colour, tone : Less nausea, pain, fatigue, stress, hormone imbalance?

Does it work on an organ, the blood, the bones, cellular levels, emotions, hormones?

Does it contain filler, alcohol, gluten, dairy, animal byproducts?

How about now?

If you think carefully about what we buy and how we buy it as a society, do we ever really have as much information as we need or would like about the product? There are very few cases where knowing about your product is more important that when we talk about supplements. It could be argued that there has never been so much money spent on advertising and purchasing of health products, with so little knowledge; from the buyer or the seller!

Billions are being spent annually, and most of the time, no one in the chain of purchase know enough about the product. Purchasers, wholesalers, retailers or direct-to the-consumer sales people do not know the difference between a synthetic, a crystalline, and a fully natural vitamin, or the difference between a chelated organic and an inorganic mineral. They know little of how supplements are made, their characteristics, their attributes, their sources, their uses, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to tell one from another other than by reading a label.

The biggest question you will come across is 'Are they natural or synthetic?' This is a very important question.

What's the difference between natural and synthetic?

It's really simple...It's the difference between something that's alive, and something that's dead. That's a pretty serious difference.

Let me put it to you this way... If you cook an onion and plant it in the garden, would you expect it to grow? Of course not. Dead things do not promote life. This principle is as sound in terms of supplements and vitamins as it is when you try to plant and grow a cooked vegetable!

Anything that is completely natural is not patentable, which is why companies create crystalline and synthetic products. Patents are extremely valuable.

Here is a Chromatogram of natural and synthetic Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). A Chromatogram is an analytical technique which identifies components of a solution by the colour absorbed by filter paper.


Lines of force and fluted edges found in the pattern of the natural substances are due to enzymes and enzyme activity. The more lines of force the more natural the substance.

This is where the processing of a vitamin is important. If you process natural substances at high heat, you destroy the enzymes, the life force within the natural substance.

So, you will see just by looking at the two images, that there is an obvious potency about the image of the natural substance. If you view the chemical structure of the substance, you can see how the natural structure has been manipulated to form the synthetic "vitamin".

Natural Whole Food Supplements

The definition of natural on a supplement label really only means that it exists somewhere on the planet or in space, so when you read labels, look for the words WHOLE FOOD.When you read on a label that something contains WHOLE FOOD VITAMINS, it means that the vitamins are just as found in the whole food, untampered with in any way that would change their molecular structure, their biological or biochemical combinations, or their actions.

Vitamins in their natural state always exist as living complexes with specific synergistic co-factors, enzymes, phytonutrients and organic mineral-activators; Never as single isolated factors. A vitamin needs all of its synergists to function, so anything that removes them, or isolates them negates the vitamins ability to benefit you fully. Furthermore, there are literally hundreds of such synergists, most of which have not yet been studied, but are nevertheless very important. This is why organic food sources are preferred, since they are more nutrient dense and contain no pesticide residues.


Crystalline means that a natural food has been treated with various chemicals, solvents, heat and distillations to reduce it down to one specific "pure" crystalline vitamin. In this process,all the synergists, which are termed "impurities," are destroyed. There is no longer anything natural in the action of crystalline "vitamins": They should more accurately be termed 'drugs'.



Synthetic means that a chemist or other such qualified professional has tried to reconstruct the exact structure of a crystalline molecule by chemically combining molecules from other sources. The 'other' sources are not living foods, but dead chemicals. For example, Vitamin B is made from a coal-tar derivative and alphatocopherol (so-called vitamin E) is a byproduct of materials used by the Kodak company to make film. It is not legally necessary to give the source from which the synthetic "vitamin" has been derived, which is why you should avoid them. Synthetic "vitamins" should also more accurately be called drugs.

A great example of something synthetic and very much dead is the product with the label you can view here. If you look at the figures and the amounts per serving, it looks very healthy and quite impressive. If you look carefully at the actual ingredients (and follow the how to read a label guidelines below) you will see that there is NOT A SINGLE natural, living ingredient in it. I know none of you think that FD&C Blue #1 could be natural! It's full of chemicals, fillers and binders.

How to read a label

No, i'm not being is extremely important for your health and your bank balance to make informed decisions when it comes to supplements. After all, would you put just anything into your body because it cost a lot of money?

1. Look for SYNTHETIC

These terms also identify a "vitamin" - acetate, bitarrate, chloride, gluconate, hydrochloride, nitrate, succinate.

If the label does not give you a source, presume that it is synthetic.

2. Check the dosage

Whole food supplements never come in high doses. It is only possible to create high dose 'vitamins' by isolating one fraction of the vitamin complex (crystalline) or synthesise one fraction (synthetic).

3. Check for filler

Binders, fillers and agents are extra unnecessary ingredients that simply take up space and in some cases can induce allergic type reactions to the "vitamin"

In the labels here you can clearly see the difference between the natural Vitamin C and the created / synthetic "vitamin C".


Following the rules above, lets look for synthetic.

We cannot see the word synthetic, but we do see ascorbate. When a "vitamin" is not natural, it will generally follow with an (as ascorbic acid) or (as 'whatever applies').

With the natural product, there is no (as), and there are no give away words that would highlight a synthetic product.

In this example, when we follow the rules...


We cannot see the word synthetic but we do find the word acetate and as (as dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate).

Next, looking at the dosage, it's 3333% of a daily value! Can you imagine how much natural vitamin E oil you would have to ingest to get to that value!? Dead give away, and dead is the right word!

High dosage doesn't mean high potency

We have been thoroughly misled about vitamins. Both practitioners and consumers have been fooled into thinking that delivering large quantities of dead chemicals is more potent than smaller amounts of high quality living compounds. Relatively small amounts of whole-food natural vitamins, with all of their naturally occurring synergists, are far more potent than high doses of synthetic imitation "vitamins".

Our Supplements


At Beyond Physical we are so proud to offer Morter Health System and Energetix products. Only qualified, registered practitioners are allowed to use and sell their products after undergoing investigation and extensive interview processes. Click on their names above to link through to them.

BioEnergetic Remedies for a Better You and a Better World

Energetix products are "BioEnergetic", which means that our products are full of life (bio) and energy (energetic)! With today's complex health concerns (elevated stress levels, changes in food sourcing, and environmental toxins) patients and practitioners alike are seeking unique and effective solutions. All of our formulas are "systemic," and support the entire body. Each product is designed to combine and complement each other as well as other therapies and product lines.

Homeopathic Products - Restoring Natural Health and Vitality

All Homeopathic remedies are prepared according to HPUS guidelines. To ensure a potent, consistent and high-quality remedy, each bottle is handmade and hand-succussed.


Nutritionals - Improving Health Through Advanced Nutrition

Improving quality of life is one of our central goals, which is why our supplements are designed to provide support for the entire body and include: Glandulars, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbal cleanse formulas, Probiotics, Enzymes, Custom blends. Our clinically specific vitamins, phytonutrients, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, probiotics, and Argentina glandulars are therapeutically formulated for optimal combined tolerance and rapid assimilation.


Botanicals - Pure and Potent Blends for Today's Complex Symptoms

Potency, purity and effectiveness are our top priorities, from ingredient sourcing to the final product. We've chosen the Spagyric processing extraction method because it creates a product that is more concentrated and bioavailable. All of our condition-specific Botanicals are spagyrically processed from organic and/or wildcrafted raw materials whenever possible. Our remedies are clean, highly concentrated and easy to absorb, making them ideal for addressing causative factors in a timely, gentle and highly effective manner. For more information about Spagyric processing, we recommended reading: Spagyric Botanicals and Your Health.

If you would like to purchase any of these products, please contact us at, or through the website or this blog. To ensure the correct usage of these wonderful supplements, it is my duty to make sure they are used as designed, uniquely for each individual. If you feel you would like to talk to me about their usage, please do not hesitate! If you would like to make an appointment, don't hesitate to contact us.


Dale Rutherford: The UK's only Elite DIplomate B.E.S.T. practitioner

Find me on Facebook and Twitter @BeyondPhys1cal

You can also watch videos on youtube and by clicking here

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this blog are the opinions of the writers and not intended to take the place of other medical opinion. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information and we encourage you to make your own health care decisions based on your research in partnership with a qualified professional.

You are more than welcome to use and link to this article without specific permission as long as this site is referenced and when used only in a non-profit format. If you wish to use the article for any other purpose please contact us at

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